Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Book Push: The Grace Outpouring by Roy Godwin

“Imagine a House of Prayer in every town. Imagine churches filled with Christians who want to bless others; who want to pray and then stand back and watch God at work, changing lives before their very eyes.” 

“Roy has a vision to see houses of prayer established throughout Britain and Europe. This has out of the reality of what has happened at Ffald-y-Brenin as the community there has committed to a rhythm of prayer, thankfulness and blessing... 

We hope that what you read will help paint pictures on the canvas of your imagination that will allow you to be provoked by the Holy Spirit to prayer, compassion and a mindset that desires to bless others.” Dave Roberts

Stand firm through the power of your words

I have felt so strongly that we are in a season when God wants to bless us beyond our wildest imagination. I have no idea what that really means. I just sense that He is “on the way” to right some wrong or difficult situations, resolve conflicts, break us out of very narrow places, heal all kinds of things from physical to emotional to whatever, solve financial conundrums, etc.

With that awareness has also been the sense that I must carefully watch what I say and guard my expectations.

Most of us are in situations that speak something very contrary to blessing. They evoke feelings like worry, anxiety, despair, hopelessness, confusion, depression, oppression, even outright anger. I don’t know what you are experiencing but I am aware of my own situations. It is very easy to let the wave of feelings overtake emotions and then suddenly, out my mouth pops a perfectly wrong string of pronouncements. Those words set the stage for the enemy of our soul to overtake us.

However, in the midst of these tough situations I have found a strange sense of hope, expectation arising in spite of the impossibility of circumstances. I have heard that still small voice say, “Guard your words and carefully craft your future.” I expect God to come through and rearrange some situations. I don’t know how, I just believe He is going to do it. When? I’m not sure about the timetable; I just know He is coming. He is looking to me simply to believe.

And to all of you I say, I BELIEVE!

Because of God’s incredible love for me, it forms a threefold cord that binds me to the plans of God for me. Faith, hope and charity or love. I know God loves me. Therefore I have faith in Him and that faith forms the substance of things hoped for, those things I have been expecting God to come through on. That faith also is my evidence for things that are coming but not yet seen (see Heb 11:1).

In the midst of thinking all these things for at least the last couple months, my assistant, Natasha, sent me an e-mail. This word so witnessed with me that I am including it so all of you can be encouraged by it.

This word was given on Dec. 2, 2010.

Angels Will now Be Sent to Guard Your Mouth!
A Prophecy from Chuck Pierce, Barbara Wentroble and Keith Pierce

“I have blessings that like the sea can cover you. Because these blessings can cover you, enter in! For if you will seat yourself with Me and have a cup of tea and talk with Me, then you will taste and you will see. Taste and see for the blessings greater than the sea can overtake you.”

“We are entering a season where you need to watch your mouth and project your voice. I will watch the way you use your mouth this season. I will watch how you celebrate. I am sending angels to guard your mouth to assist you in what to say and proclaim! I will watch how you look for your provision. Will you look for provision by faith? Will you look for provision out of a heart of worship? Or will you strive to get what you need? I will watch how you speak for your provision to come. I am changing the administration of your provision. So this week be not distraught, but this week speak and watch the honey and the water come forth.”

“I AM saying: Speak! I am not saying: Strike. Beware, beware to speak and not strike! In your striking there will be a drying. But in your speaking there will be a watering. Arise and put your hand over your mouth and let Me say, ‘I am One who will speak clearly to see what needs to be broken; come forth in My name.’”

“Be not angry, but rejoice, for your emotions must be displayed properly. Allow your emotions to rise up in the midst of your circumstances and speak to the rock and tell that mountain you’re coming through.”

“I’m raising up a Caleb generation in this hour. Even Caleb was one who said, ‘Give me my mountain!’ He spoke and commanded the mountain to come into his possession. I am raising a Caleb generation who will speak, who will take that which God said they could have—even a generation that murmured and complained and never came into the fulfillment of the promise of the Lord in the last season, and say, ‘Now!’ In this hour I raise up a Caleb generation, a people who will possess that which I say they can have. Even as Caleb, speak and declare that you have your mountain, your possession. This generation must arise and must speak the provision of the Lord.”

This is me speaking again, Barbara Yoder. Remember that we have entered Hanukah, the Festival of Lights, a season of unusual light, revelation, miracles and love. Expect largely, even in your darkest night. There is not one type of darkness that can extinguish God’s light.

About the author: Barbara J. Yoder is the founder and senior pastor of Shekinah Christian Church ( in Ann Arbor, Mich., and is known for her apostolic and prophetic breakthrough ministry. She travels nationally and internationally ministering in churches, conferences and seminars. She is the author of several books, including Taking on Goliath. To order a copy of the book, click here. Visit her blog page at

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Brother Andrew sharing Jesus with the Taliban

"Peace is not the end of conflict and war, nor the result of so called 'peace talks'. It's rooted more deeply in inner peace with God and people around us," says Anne van der Bijl, the Dutchman who's better known as Brother Andrew. Now in his eighties, he still serves the persecuted church and preaches the Gospel to her persecutors. "Peace is a fruit of justice, as the prophet Isaiah says, not of prayer. That's why Jesus said: 'Blessed are the peacemakers'; He didn't say: 'Blessed are the peacetalkers'."

"The main thing that's preventing peace today is our own 'enemy mindset'," says Van der Bijl. "We build defenses and send out troops all over the world to 'bring peace', but everyone knows that we're not able to establish peace. As the Church of Jesus Christ we've lost the art of bringing the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to our enemies. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus teaches that we don't really have enemies: 'Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you'. This is followed by: 'Blessed are the peacemakers.' I can't love my enemy if he remains my enemy, so I first have to clear the barrier that makes me think there is an enemy."

"What makes us unique as the Church of Jesus Christ is our call to the 'ministry of reconciliation', to be peacemakers in our time. Where do we make peace? Wherever there's conflict and war. When we become friends with those who are considered our enemies, we become effective fighters against terrorism. You will see that the doors and hearts of people are wide open, and if we do what Jesus commands us, there will be supernatural results as well. That's how I got entrance to the Hizbollah, the Hamas and the Taliban."

How did you get access to the Taliban?

"I just go there. I find out where they live and show up at the door step. They ask what I come for and I tell them about Jesus. We've become way too diplomatic and careful in our approach. Next week I hope to visit the Taliban again. They now say: 'Anne, this is your second home'."

"One day I visited a large, notorious Quran school where 90% of the graduates immediately join the ranks of the Taliban and al-Qaeda. A war factory of human weapons, targeted to wage war against the infidels, which is the Americans and NATO. I arrived at a square where hundreds of these students waited in line for military exercise. There was a microphone in the front. The head of the school and a minister of the government gave a short talk, and suddenly the microphone was handed to me: 'Anne, it's your turn'."

"I was surprised as I only came to visit. So I went to the microphone, pulled out my Bible and said: 'This is the only book in the world that tells us that God loves us, that our sins can be forgiven, and how we can go to Heaven when we die.' I told them about Jesus. I believe every Christian should be able to speak about his faith in Jesus unprepared for at least 15 minutes. Sometimes you get a chance like this to share the Gospel, and it would be pity to waste such an opportunity."

"After my talk, the leader of the Quran school, who's also a high official in the Taliban and government circles, came up to me and said: 'Anne, would you please come back and tell us more about Jesus, also to our graduate class?' By the time they graduate, they all have a beard and a high degree, and are ready to take on the battle against the 'great satan', America and NATO. I asked the leader how many guys he had in his final class, and he said: 1,300. This is an amazing mission field! They also ask for Bibles, books and computers. Together with the Bible Institute we already brought them hundreds of Bibles, and I believe many more will follow. We want to reach 300 Quran schools!"

"Recently I visited a leader of the Islamic Jihad. I told him that so many Muslims come to Jesus because they've seen Him in a vision, a dream, a revelation. He looked at me with such a hunger, that I stopped talking and prayed with him that the Lord Jesus would give him a fresh revelation of the Peacemaker, the Son of God. At the end of my long evangelical prayer he said: 'Amen!', straight from his heart. I thought: 'Just one more step. Lord, you have to give him a revelation of Yourself. I did what I could do'."

What can we do ourselves?

"The solution is to make Jesus Christ king of our lives. To ask Him: 'Lord, what do You want me to do?' To submit our whole life as a voluntary service to Jesus Christ. This gives incredible peace, where-ever we go."

Source: Anne van der Bijl
(c) JOEL NEWS, 2010 | republication only with full credit line

Operation World 2010

“When you hear a country mentioned in the news or in a conversation and you want to know more about it and what God is doing there - this book will help you.”

In this book you’ll find a profile for every country in the world, including crazy info about their geography, people groups, economy, politics and the various religions practiced there. The Operation World team gives mind blowing statistics that will keep you busy for quiet a while. The best and most useful information for me is the “answers to prayer” and “challenges for prayer”.

Operation World:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Muslim woman encounters Jesus through a dream

God is revealing Himself to the Muslim world through dreams and visions. When Muslims are questioned on this phenomenon, many of them reply that they have encountered Jesus in their dreams.

One of the recent stories is of an Egyptian lady who stopped a Christian man on the street. The woman said, "You are the one!" The Christian man didn't understand what she was talking about. She told him, "[In my dream] you were walking with me and Jesus, and you had that same striped shirt on, those glasses, those pants and those shoes. Jesus was telling me He loves me and wants to have a relationship with me." In her dream she asked Jesus, "What do I do?" And Jesus told her, "Ask this man tomorrow when you see him."

Pray with us that more Muslims would encounter Jesus through dreams and vision.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

God's hand in India

Yesu Mahotsaw is an annual gathering of believers from Good Shepherd Community Churches in North India. About 6000 people gathered together to worship the Lord. Amazingly most of these people have come to know Christ in the past 5-7 years.