Monday, June 27, 2011

Wasting Our Lives on Jesus

Jesus Christ loves the world, and He loves the Church, but there is a special bread He feeds those who love Him in private. There is a divine manna He reserves for those who extravagantly waste themselves in His presence.

How do you waste your life on Jesus? Easy. Its no secret.

1. Make the decision in your mind, and your heart will catch up.
2. Get in His presence.
3. Reject sin.
4. Cry out to Him in prayer.
5. Lift your soul to Him in worship.
6. Read and mediate on the Word until your heart is filled with the things that fill God's heart.
7. Utterly abandon yourself to Him, for intimacy with God takes time, and there is no substitute for waiting in His presence.
8. Like Mary, choose to forego some of the less important things going on around you in order to make more time to cultivate a relationship with Him.
9. Lavishly, extravagantly pour out your life as a drink offering upon the holy altar of God. Allow yourself to be broken and spilled out for the priceless One whose body was broken and whose precious life's blood was spilled out for you.

Lord Jesus, in sweet abandon, let me be spilled out and used up for you.

Is that your prayer? Then rearrange your schedule to make time for Him

Quoted from Mike Bickle from his book "Passion for Jesus"

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Global Day of Prayer: Prayer for the World

“They lifted their voices to God with one accord…” –Acts 4:24

Almighty God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Together with believers all over the world,
We gather today to glorify Your Name.
You are the Creator of heaven and earth.
There is no one like You, holy and righteous in all Your ways.
We submit to Your authority as the King of the universe.
We pray with one voice to enthrone You in our hearts
and to honour You before the world.

Lord God, You alone are worthy of our praise and adoration.

Our Father in heaven,
Thank You for loving the world so greatly.
You gave Your only Son, Jesus Christ,
to die on the cross for our sins
so that we could be reconciled to You.
We are grateful to call You Father and to be called Your children.
Nothing can separate us from Your love.

Thank You Father, for adopting us into Your family
because of Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Lord Jesus Christ,
You alone are worthy to open the scrolls of history,
for You were slain and have redeemed us to the Father by Your blood.
We confess that You are Head of the Church
and Lord of all heaven and earth.
May people from every tribe and language become Your followers
so that Your blessing brings transformation among all peoples.
Let Your kingdom be established in every nation of the world
so that governments will rule with righteousness and justice.
And may Your Name be great, from the rising of the sun to its setting.

Jesus Christ, You are the Saviour of the world and the Lord of all.

Father of mercy and grace,
We acknowledge that we have sinned
and that our world is gripped by the power of sin.
Our hearts are grieved by injustice, hatred and violence.
We are shamed by oppression, racism and bloodshed in our land.
We mourn all loss of life in murder, war and terrorism.
Our homes are broken and our churches are divided by rebellion and pride.
Our lives are polluted by selfishness, greed, idolatry and sexual sin.
We have grieved Your heart and brought shame to Your Name.
Have mercy on us as we repent with all our hearts.

God of mercy, forgive our sins.
Pour out Your grace and heal our land.

Spirit of the living God,
Apart from You, we can do nothing.
Transform Your Church into the image of Jesus Christ.
Release Your power to bring healing to the sick,
freedom to the oppressed and comfort to those who mourn.
Pour Your love into our hearts and fill us with compassion
to answer the call of the homeless and the hungry
and to enfold orphans, widows and the elderly in Your care.
Give us wisdom and insight for the complex problems we face today.
Help us to use the resources of the earth for the well-being of all.

Holy Spirit, we need Your comfort
and guidance. Transform our hearts.

Lord Jesus Christ,
Because You were dead, but are now risen,
and the Father has given You a Name above all names,
You will defeat all powers of evil.
Tear down strongholds and ideologies that resist the knowledge of God.
Remove the veil of darkness that covers the peoples.
Restrain the evil that promotes violence and death.
Bring deliverance from demonic oppression.
Break the hold of slavery, tyranny and disease.
Fill us with courage to preach Your word fearlessly,
and to intercede for the lost faithfully.

Almighty God, deliver us from evil.

King of Glory,
Come and finish Your work in our cities, our peoples and our nations.
We lift our voices in unison with believers from Africa and Asia,
from the Middle East and Europe, from North and South America,
and from Australia and the Pacific Islands—together we cry:

Lift up your heads, O you gates!
Be lifted up ancient doors
so that the King of glory may come in!

As Your deeds increase throughout the earth,
and as Your blessings abound to all the nations,
they will seek You, asking, “Who is this King of glory?”
Together we will answer:

He is the Lord Almighty!
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!

Come fill the earth with Your glory as the waters cover the sea.
The Spirit and the Bride say:

Amen! Come Lord Jesus!

Friday, June 3, 2011

10 Days of Prayer Leading to Global Day of Prayer. Day 2.

REVEAL! …sanctify Your name…
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, You are the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, and your Name is holy.
You revealed your Fatherhood to us, through Jesus Christ, who is exalted, and at His Name every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
We call upon this name for salvation.
Your Name has been profaned among the nations and many people have forgotten your Name and have stretched out their hands to other gods.
Please forgive us, and sanctify your Name so that all nations, even your adversaries, shall know that You are Lord and fear your Name.
Unite my heart to fear your Name so that I will depart from iniquity and will hold fast to your Name and not deny You.
With all those who know your Name, we put our trust in You and wait on your Name.
May your Word be translated and made available for every person on this earth to hear your Word and your Name proclaimed in their own language.
Blessed be Your Name, and let the whole earth be filled with your glory!
From the rising of the sun, to its going down, your Name shall be great and in your Name the nations will trust!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

10 Days of Prayer Leading to Global Day of Prayer. Day 1

DAY 1: THURSDAY, 2 June 2011
REVIVE! …Our Father who is in heaven…
Father God, You are the creator and father of all nations. |

You sustain us by the power of your word.

We acknowledge that You alone are worthy to receive all praise and honour and glory. As Christians from around the world, we enter into your presence through the new and living way that Jesus Christ opened for us by his blood, to kneel at the throne of grace.

We pray that you will revive the Church again through your Holy Spirit.

Answer the prayer of Jesus that we, as Church, will unite and stand as one family before You.

We pray for those believers who have fallen away that You will draw them back to You and bring them to repentance.

You are faithful and true to your promises.

Please reveal to us your loving, compassionate and merciful father’s heart.

Help us to obey your commandments and to trust You completely for our salvation, our sanctification and our daily walk.

Touch the hearts of millions of believers around the world to persist in prayer until we see the fulfilment of all your promises.

Release fresh movements of prayer in every nation of the world so that this generation may accomplish the purposes You have for each one of us.
Here am I, Lord, send me.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pray for North Africa

We need to pray for the situation in Algeria:

1. That the ruling against a Christian brother (5 years imprisonment/2000 Euro fine) will be overturned!
2. That the churches will remain open in spite of orders for at least some to close.
3. That the Church will remain strong.
4. That the Church will have special grace.
5. That many world governments will respond to this, calling for a change in policy.