Friday, October 21, 2011

Pray for Tunisian Elections

Join us as we pray for Tunisia this Sunday, 23 October

This Sunday, October 23, Tunisians will go to the polls to elect a 217 person constituent assembly that will be tasked with writing a new constitution for the country within a year. Just as Tunisia led the Arab world in overthrowing its dictator, it continues to lead in moving toward a new political system. While Tunisians feel justifiably proud in their political progress, there is nevertheless considerable tension and pessimism in the lead-up to this symbolic election.

Please pray:

• For peaceful and calm elections
• For the security at voting stations
• For the right persons to be selected as much is at stake for the political climate in the country
• For voters to make the right decisions as most of the voters are still uncertain who to vote for.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Update Regarding Syria:

Thank you for praying for Syria during this time of unrest. The situation is getting worse and it is unclear how it will develop in the coming months.

One friend writes, “During the past four months, I have traveled to Syria several times. People are confused and afraid by all that is taking place, especially by the government’s actions as they try to stop the demonstrations. Despite the forcefulness of the secret police and the army, the demonstrations continue particularly in poorer communities. Twice, I have gone to demonstrations to listen to what the protesters are saying. Initially, they sought freedom and a good life; however, as time continues, they are more in favor of the fall of the president’s dictatorship. I have heard that fighting has broken out among the Alawite and Sunni in different cities. Despite the many difficulties within the country, I am pleased to see believers reach out to the community by providing food for them. As you may know, many people have been out of work for months and are unable to feed their families. The families, who we’ve helped, have heard the Message. They are thankful for what the church is doing for them and genuinely want to help others. It is very unclear what the future holds for Syria, so I ask that you please keep this situation in your prayers.”

Please pray with us for Syria, for its people, for a peaceful resolution, for the believers there and that in the midst of it all the Gospel would go forth and the church grow.

Monday, October 17, 2011


For the first time in 20 years, the Protestant Church of Algeria (EPA) has been given government permission to officially register its congregations throughout the country. The decision came 3 months after the governor and police commissioner in the province of BĂ©jaia ordered 7 EPA churches to close for "exercising religious worship other than Islam without authorization." Similar orders had been issued in the past, enforcing a 2006 law prohibiting Christians from religious practices that conflict with the government's interpretation of Sharia (Islamic law). In spite of such opposition, the Algerian Church has grown from just a handful of national believers two decades ago to an estimated 80,000. (Religion Today)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Prayer for Egypt

Due to the very tragic events which happened on Sunday night, 9th of October in Cairo (24 Christians have been killed and over 200 people injured during demonstrations which started peacefully), the Pope Shenouda made a call of prayer to all Coptic Christians around the world starting from Tuesday the 11th of October. His call is to encourage anyone to pray and fast during 3 days for our country.

With this message we would like to kindly ask you to join us, according to your possibilities and capacities, during the 3 days of fasting and prayers for our land which needs so much your intercession. Let's stand with our brothers and sisters who are passing by a terrible tragedy, sorrow, fear and incredible challenges we have not seen or heard of since the revolution.

Together, let's cry to our heavenly Father so that the situation in our area may change and that the leadership may recognize the existence of the Christians and the rights of 15 million Christians in Egypt. In the media, in the social aspect, there is a total ignorance of the Christians and their rights.

This afternoon, thousands of people were at the funerals which took place in the large cathedral in El Embassyia, Cairo. A great sadness and sorrow was on the entire attendance.

Thank you for your precious intercession and receive our sincere blessings.
Fiends in Egypt