Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Prophetic rain, healings and testimonies!

So this past weekend we did some ministry at a Church down south of us. They have a huge heart to see revival in their community. As we drove down there Cody told me that yesterday he had prophesied that it was going to rain today at 3pm and 3:30pm and that it would be a sign of what God was doing through their Church. Little did we know... 

So we got there and were greeted by some members, we talked about God’s heart for the neighborhood, shared some cool testimonies and then prayed with them. We felt like a prayer walk would be a good idea and maybe meet some of the folks living there. While we were praying we shared how we felt that breakthrough would come as the Churches unite. At that time we knew about another Church having a lunch thing and so we headed there. On our way there, right at 3pm, it rained for about 30 seconds. We laughed and praised God, feeling renewed in our expectancy of that which God was doing. By the time we got to the park the party was over, but we met the leaders of the Church that was hosting the event, and their words - we have come here to unite the Churches and serve the neighborhoods. We laughed and praised God for such a wonderful divine appointment.

I looked at my watch and since Cody’s word was right on the first time at 3pm, i felt my heartbeat raise as we neared 3:30pm, in fact, i was a little worried that this next down pouring would be a little bit bigger than the first. And guess what, at 3:30p the rain started to come down again, this time however it didn’t stop. We walked back, enjoying (somewhat) the fresh rain, and got completely soaked. God doesn’t ever hold back. :-)

We had a great time, reconnected with friends and family. We saw God speak truth to peoples hearts, He encouraged us all through testimonies of what He has done in the past and will do in the future. And some people got healed! This one man had neurological damage in his hands, he had no feeling in his fingers or palms - guess what - now he does! Another man had intense pain in his thumbs - guess what - he doesn’t anymore! Another sweet 82 year old lady was so eager for her hearing to be restored that she took out her hearing aids during the teaching - guess what - she started hearing again! 82! Nobody is too old to get healed, God loves them all and wishes them all to be in perfect health! That’s what Jesus died for! The head pastor had ringing in his ears from a fireworks explosion years ago. 1 ear got 100% healed, another about 80-90%, we’re expecting a full healing testimony soon! We also saw some knees healed and just all round encouragement and excitement for God Himself. He truly is so good.

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