Everything is being shaken!
Two years ago God told me this. "Everything that can be shaken will be shaken." Little did I know at the time how this would be fulfilled! At first it was intensely personal--my whole world was turned upside down and has been ever since within my own nuclear family. Many other Christian leaders have also faced their own severe trials - in emotional, spiritual, physical , family, or ministry terms.
Now today we are seeing how things are being shaken globally. The financial world has been shaken by the Western Banking crisis and the ongoing repercussions. Middle Eastern & North African nations have been reeling from the political crisis enveloping it, leading to unprecedented riots. Climate change has caused some catastrophic disasters in Brazil, Pakistan, Australia, and many other nations. Physical shakings of the earth's crust has also caused devastating earthquakes in Pakistan, China, Haiti, Indonesia and elsewhere.
These shakings will continue - and there is bound to be more to come. Some Currencies will collapse. More tempests and tornadoes will wreak havoc. That which seems to be stable will be shaken. The question is "Where are the watchmen?" Are they keeping watch over their nation and the influences affecting their nation? This is a time for the watchmen in prayer to find each other within each nation and to find a place of unity in prayer, despite differences of understanding and background. As some watchmen in the nations being shaken are discovering, unity will be challenged and motives will be tested. Only prayer that is more concerned for God's glory than our comfort will break through. This is a rallying call to the watchmen of the world. Watch and pray!
Brian Mills
International Prayer Council
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