Thursday, February 3, 2011


God said to his people: "Look to the nations (Tunisia), watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your day that you would not believe even if you were told." Habakkuk 1:5

This now holds very true, and we stand utterly amazed. There is still so much to pray about, but those living in the country have felt a sense of greater peace these last few days and things are returning to normal. This is such a blessing. The violence still can arise again, but the Tunisian people have done something remarkable.


  • Pray for a continued reduction in lawlessness, this has been so evil.
  • Pray for the economy to be stable (there are many factories closed and many offices/banks/shopping centers have been burnt and destroyed). Praise God that each day food does seem to be coming into the cities and the smaller stores seem to be getting supplies.
  • Pray for ongoing safety for the vulnerable, and the poorest of the poor (particularly at night), for wise decisions about how to seek restitution of injustices.

With the fall of the Ben Ali regime, there is now a new hope in Tunisia. We want to continue to pray for the formation of a new government and also that it would allow freedom of religion, freedom to the church, and freedom to worship the Lord Jesus Christ. It is too early to tell what a new government would look like, but the cry from the streets is for greater freedoms, less corruption and more opportunities. They have released many political prisoners, some of these would be communist, others fundamental islamist, and others would be from different political ideologies.

  • It is a key time to be praying for the development of a government that does not push Tunisia in some other extreme way.
  • Pray for wise leadership to arise; pray that they would rule with wisdom and righteousness. 
  • Pray for believers to be involved in a way that shows a good testimony.
Tunisian Church

  • Pray for increased openness/boldness in people's conversations. 
  • Pray these conversations will lead to questions and answers that point people to His true way.
  • Pray for wise decisions by local groups when they have opportunities to be light in darkness.
Minutes after Ben Ali said he would open the Internet up, people could get to YouTube and other sites for the first time, after they had been blocked for years. This also opened up many Arabic Christian sites that have been blocked. Pray that the opening of the Internet allows many to find out more about the Lord Jesus Christ.

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