Thursday, November 24, 2011

Egypt and the Ongoing Protests

The situation in the heart of Cairo just before the national election on Monday, the 28th, is very serious and needs our prayers at this time. One of our Egyptian colleagues sent this report from a local Christian leader whose church is close to what is happening:

I am writing to ask for your urgent, persistent prayer for Egypt. Yesterday hundreds of thousands of Egyptians gathered in Tahrir square in downtown Cairo, right in front of the church building, to express their frustration against what the army is doing in the country. The army and police used many techniques to try to force the people to leave the square, including live ammunition, rubber bullets, smaller types of ammunition, tear gas and what we think is some kind of nerve gas. Thousands have been affected by these gases. We don't know exactly what they are using but it seems they are using several kinds, including CS, CR and nerve gases. We are quite sure that more than 50 people have been killed and over 1,000 wounded. The doctors are making analyses to try to understand what these gases are so they can treat them appropriately, as some of them are not responding to the usual medication and we are not sure what to do.

We need the Church worldwide to follow what is going on with us and support us in prayer for Divine protection, healing of those who have been injured and inhaled and come in contact with dangerous gases, and for God to intervene in this conflict and accomplish His will and purposes in our country. Please pray for strength and protection for all the volunteers helping in the church medical clinic and those who are going to and from the front lines of the conflict to bring gas masks and other supplies to the protestors.

Another colleague who lives there said, "It's kind of Power Show from the extremists to spread fear & intimidation" before the election.

"Barring an election delay, Egyptian voters heading to the polls next week could put their country on the road to becoming Turkey, that regional beacon of Muslim democracy, or Iran, that dark, authoritarian theocracy - or a military state somewhere in between. Some 6,000 candidates from over 50 political parties are running, but Islamist groups led by the Muslim Brotherhood are likely to gain a near-majority of parliamentary seats." (The National, Nov. 23, 2012)

It is crucial for us to pray for Egypt at this precarious time. Let's pray for His peace and order to be restored, for honest, good officials to be chosen and that extremists and radical Islamists do not take over power. Pray for the binding of evil forces (spiritual and human) and for the protection of Christ's followers in the midst of all this tumult. May a new day dawn for Egypt by His grace and mercy and through our combined prayers!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Prayer for Egypt and the Elections

Stage one in Egypt's first parliamentary elections since President Hosni Mubarak was driven from office will be held on November 28, 2011. The unrest in Egypt is being called "the unfinished revolution" and has many citizens worried about the future of the nation. Demonstrations against the government of Egypt forced President Hosni Mubarak to step down from office in February 2011. But after the military took over, protests continued. In November 2011, more civilians were killed as security forces attempted to maintain control. Christians Copts, the largest religious minority, are at special risk. Violence against them has been fierce and ongoing. More than two dozen were killed in October 2011. The first stage in parliamentary elections will take place on November 28. Stage two will be held December 14, with presidential elections scheduled for March 2012.

Ask the Lord to guide and direct this nation. Ask Him to raise up leaders who will govern with integrity and in the fear of the Lord. Pray for the elections to be fair.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Praying for Van Turkey

Thank you for praying for Van. The second earthquake a few weeks ago was, in some ways, even more of a shock to people who were just managing to get their lives back together. It was also difficult for the believers in the region who are helping – many of the plans they had made for the rehabilitation are no longer possible.

But God is doing some amazing things! Though this is not the ‘outreach’ we would have chosen, six people have come to know Jesus in the last month as a result of the love shown to them by Christians, particularly through the hot food kitchen. Workers there for many years have not seen this kind of fruit! Please pray for them, that they would grow in Christ.

We have now sent to the relief team several hundred copies of a book about fear, with the Bible Correspondence Course’s contact details prominently displayed. Please pray that these would end up in the hands of those who are questioning and that the Holy Spirit would anoint the message.

Thank you for your commitment that Turkey will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Prayer for Egypt and Elections


Stage one in Egypt's first parliamentary elections since President Hosni Mubarak was driven from office will be held on November 28, 2011.

The unrest in Egypt is being called "the unfinished revolution" and has many citizens worried about the future of the nation. Demonstrations against the government of Egypt forced President Hosni Mubarak to step down from office in February 2011. But after the military took over, protests continued.
In November 2011, more civilians were killed as security forces attempted to maintain control. Christians Copts, the largest religious minority, are at special risk. Violence against them has been fierce and ongoing. More than two dozen were killed in October 2011.
"The latest wave of violence adds further pressure on the military junta," notes The Guardian, "ahead of this month's parliamentary elections, with opposition to the ruling generals seemingly beginning to spread beyond Cairo and Alexandria and into rural areas."
The first stage in parliamentary elections will take place on November 28. Stage two will be held December 14, with presidential elections scheduled for March 2012.
As one News source noted: "Unless the Islamists and liberals can find a way to coexist in Egyptian politics, Egypt risks falling into a new authoritarianism."

• The Lord to guide and direct this nation. Ask Him to raise up leaders who will govern with integrity and in the fear of the Lord. (Daniel 2:21)
• The elections to be fair. Pray for any ballot rigging schemes to be exposed and fail to influence the outcome. (Mark 4:22)
• Peace to be maintained. (II Corinthians 13:11)
• This time of uncertainty to be an open door for the Gospel. (I Corinthians 16:9)
• Christians in Egypt to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Ask the Lord to protect them and encourage them. (Ephesians 6:10)
• A great harvest of souls to come to the Lord from Egypt. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation with great power, signs, wonders, miracles, visions, and dreams. (I Corinthians 4:20; Acts 2:17)
SOURCE: Window International or e-mail
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Monday, November 7, 2011

Hajj Day 4 - November 7, 2011

Sacred Act #4: Sa'y (running between)  
Lastly, the pilgrims go to the Grand Mosque in Mecca. Inside, the pilgrims walk around the Ka'aba seven times and point to the stone or kiss it. Then they pray in the "Place of Abraham," the spot within the Grand Mosque where Muslims believe the patriarch prayed*. After this prayer time, pilgrims reenact the running between the hills of Safa and Marwa, and drink from the well of Zamzam**. This reenactment is the Islamic version of Hagar's (Abraham's second wife) desperate search for water for her son, Ishmael. Islamic tradition say she repeatedly ran between the hills of Safa and Marwah, climbing them to get a better view of the landscape, attempting to find someone who had water. Upon her return to her son after one of her runs, she discovered that a spring had miraculously sprouted near the infant. Muslims believe the Zamzam Well is this source of water and millions of Muslims still drink from it. Muslims affirm their commitment to Allah on this day. 
Key Scripture to pray  
But God shows his great love for us in this way, 
Christ died for us 
while we were still sinners.
Romans 5:8
Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labour on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live. 
Isaiah 55:2-3
Going before the Father
  • As Muslims circle the Ka'aba and run through the hills, ask that they will see the futility of these acts. They can have peace with God and a commitment to Him, but it is through what Christ did for them. Pray that they will hear this good news and believe.
  • In John 4, Jesus is interacting with the woman at the well. He says to her that He will give her this living water if she asks. Pray that Muslims across the world desire the living water that only Jesus can give.
  • Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life" (John 14:6). As the pilgrims leave after all these spiritual experiences and the exercises they have done, may they still feel extreme emptiness and a lack of peace until they know the Redeemer of their souls, Jesus.
  • Pray that they may learn that they can meet God wherever they live, without having to save up money in order to make the pilgrimage.
  • "God is opposed to the proud and gives grace to the humble" (James 4:6). As Muslims head home, some take great pride in being referred to by the title "Hajji." Pray that they will learn that God opposes the proud. Pray that they will see that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
For the pilgrim, there is a heart's deep longing for living water to cleanse, revive and bring life.
People literally run around the hot desert, searching for water. They buy liters of Zamzam water to carry home with them, giving it to eager relatives. How desperate is the need! The Living Water is right there, willing to give them all of Himself. He gives Water to cleanse them of sins, Water to revive the thirsty soul and Water which brings abundant life. Pray that pilgrims will "bathe and soak" in these promises.
What does the Bible say?
*     There is no reference in the Bible that Abraham was ever in Mecca.
**   The story of Hagar and Ishmael is found in Genesis 21:8-20, but it does not talk
       about this "running between." It does place the location as the desert of Beersheba,
       probably in the Negev desert of today.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hajj Day 3 - November 6, 2011

Stoning and Sacrifice - Sacred Act #3

As the pilgrims leave Muzdalifah, they pass through Mina again. They head to the three pillars, which represent Satan coming to Abraham three times*, to tempt him to ignore the instructions of God concerning the sacrifice of Ishmael**. Muslims believe that Abraham threw stones at Satan. Using the stones or pebbles that they have collected, they throw them at the pillars, which represent Satan. In the stoning, pilgrims renounce evil and declare their willingness to sacrifice all they have to God.

After this victory over Satan, pilgrims will kill a sheep, a goat or maybe a camel in remembrance of God's provision of a sheep sacrificed instead of Abraham's son. This sacrifice ends the formal time of Hajj. It is on this day, as well, that Muslims all over the world will sacrifice a sheep or some other animal. This is the biggest Islamic feast of the year, called Eid el Kabir (literally the Big Feast) or Eid el Adha (the Feast of Sacrifice).

Key Scripture
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him. John said, "Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." John 1:29
Going before the Father 
  • Ephesians 6 states "Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." Muslims understand there is a spiritual battle caused by Satan. Throwing rocks at Satan during the day of stoning is meaningless apart from the Cross and Resurrection which defeated Satan.  Pray that they would see that only Jesus defeated sin, Satan, and death. May they know that in Christ, we have mighty weapons "for the tearing down of strongholds." (2 Corinthians 10:4)
  • Thank the Lord that Muslims see the importance of sacrificing an animal. In the Old Testament, it meant forgiveness of sins. After Jesus died on the cross, animals no longer were sacrificed, for His death covered all of our sins. Pray that they will understand the meaning behind it.
  • Ask that God would overwhelm people with the truth and reality of Jesus' death on the cross. Ask that the Holy Spirit move in people's hearts so that they can receive this as truth.
  • Ask God to give Muslims understanding that Christ has overcome all the powers of Satan on the cross and pray that they will experience the reality of that victory in their lives through spontaneous healings and deliverances by calling on Jesus' name.
What does the Bible say?
*The Bible does not talk about Satan visiting Abraham, nor stones, Genesis 22.
**The Quran does not actually say which son of Abraham it was. It is Islamic tradition that says Ishmael. The Bible says that it was Isaac, Genesis 22. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hajj Day 2 - November, 2011

Wuqoof - Standing at Arafat - Sacred Act #2
In the morning, after prayers, the pilgrims proceed to the Plain of Arafat where they perform the central ritual of the Hajj, the standing (wuqoof). In a shame and honor society (most Muslims come from this type of society), the seeking of the forgiveness of sins (shame) brings freedom. Abu Qataadah reported that Muhammad was said to say, "fasting on the Day of Arafat expiates (atone for guilt) the sins of the preceding year and the coming year.*"

The pilgrims face Mecca and pray from noon to sundown. These prayers are done in a prescribed way: they should remember God, ask for forgiveness and pray other Islamic prayers. It is believed that Muhammad delivered his final sermon from a hill above this plain, called Mount Arafat, during his last pilgrimage. Muslims believe that they leave this day cleansed of sin.

As the sun sets, the people are not required to quote any prescribed prayers. During these sacred moments, pilgrims are to be alone with God. They should ask that their sins and lifelong shortcomings be forgiven.

At sunset, a cannon sounds. Pilgrims leave Arafat going to Muzdalifah, where they sleep or stay up all night under the stars. On the way, many will pick up stones and pebbles. For Muslims not on the Hajj, many will fast on this day of wuqoof.

Key Scripture
Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and all the people in your house. 
Acts 16:31

Going before the Father
  • As the pilgrims head to Muzdalifah, may what happened to Paul in Romans 7:7-13 well up in them, that theirs sins would continue to overwhelm them. Pray for conviction of sin deep in their hearts and minds. Pray that God would reveal His heart - that He is grieved by our sin, but that He offers a way to receive His forgiveness. Jesus takes guilt and shame away which brings real freedom.
  • Pray that God would reveal His heart of love for the people. He loves them so much. Pray that people will have encounters of God's love for them.
  • Pray that God will speak to them in dreams and visions, as they spend the second night of the Hajj praying for their shortcomings and needs. Ask God for an open heaven for many who are genuinely seeking an encounter with God.
  • Muslims pray five times a day "Show us the straight way, the way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray." Pray that God will answer their prayer in such a way that they can grasp God's grace through Jesus Christ.
What does the Bible say?
*  The Bible talks about sins being cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Matthew 26:28, Acts 2:38, 1 John 1:7

Friday, November 4, 2011

Hajj Day 1 - November 4, 2011

Ihram - Sacred Act #1
There are six different places to enter Mecca for Ihram (ritual cleansing), so it is at the Miqat, "a stated place," where Muslims actually enter into the Hajj. After performing this ritual, the pilgrims will wear white cloths, wrapped around them, a sign showing that all pilgrims are equal in Islam, kings and servants are all dressed alike. More crucial than wearing the white clothing, Ihram is the state of sacred purity the Muslim faithful must enter before conducting the Hajj.

From the Miqat entry point, most pilgrims head to the Kaaba in the Grand Mosque. As they enter Mecca, they will shout the Talbiyah, a Muslim prayer."Here I am at Thy service O Lord, here I am. Here I am at Thy service and Thou hast no partners*. Thine alone is All Praise and All Bounty, and Thine alone is The Sovereignty. Thou hast no partners*. 

"After the Kaaba visit, the pilgrims will walk to a tent city called Mina, continuing to quote the Talbiyah prayer. They must spend the night in prayer and meditation.

Key Scriptures
They will call on me, and I will answer them. I will say, you are my people and they will say, The Lord is our God. Zechariah 13:9b 
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14
Going before the Father
  • Purification rituals may cleanse the body, but they don't cleanse the heart. Only Jesus can cleanse our hearts and we can only do that through repentance. Pray that the Holy Spirit would issue a call to genuine repentance that seeking hearts hear and respond to.
  • Thank Jesus that it is through His blood sins can be forgiven and pray that Muslims would understand that He is the only way to the Father. John 1:29, Hebrews 1:3, Acts 10:43
  • Ask the Lord to bring to memory Scripture verses they may have heard over the TV or radio or internet about the white robes God provides for those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 7:9). Pray they may understand and desire to be clothed with Christ's righteousness.
  • Two to three million people come together from all over the world for the Hajj. Pray for physical safety (protection from stampedes and disease - like the "Mecca flu").
The Kaaba contains a black stone believed to have been given to Abraham by the angel Gabriel**, according to some sources. Others say the stone was simply part of the original structure of the Kaaba. 

In pre-Islamic times, the Kaaba was an object of pilgrimage, housing idols, jahiliyyah (the age of ignorance) and, according to Islamic tradition, was cleansed by Muhammad of idols and then dedicated to the worship of the one God.

What does the Bible say?
*     It would be in statements like these that Muslims would not allow room for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 10:21-23, Galatians 4:6
**   There is nothing in the Bible about Abraham receiving this stone.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Prayer Update

Wonderful answer to prayer from our workers in Tunisia!!


Thank you for
praying for the first ever free elections here in our North African country on
October 23.   God heard the prayers of the many and answered.
The day of the elections, the process went smoothly and peacefully.  All
over the country people lined up outside schools and other public buildings
waiting their turn to freely vote for the person they individually chose.

The Islamic
party many were worried about did fairly win the majority of the seats in the
constitutional assembly.  They will be forming a new coalition government
that should be announced within the next few days to a week. Realizing fear
about their leadership has spread, they have made great attempts to calm the concerns
of the general population by publicly re-emphasizing their moderacy, and their
desire not to change the freedoms of women or the nonreligious law system of
the country.   There have been pockets of protests and disputes in
several places in the country, but overall the atmosphere is peaceful and
calm.  For months we have seen an increase in armed policemen around our
city, but have not felt our safety threatened in any way since the
elections.  Incredible how "strange" becomes the "norm"
after a while.  It is not unusual to now drive down the street to the
supermarket and pass a police officer with an uzi machine gun in his hands.

Though this new
Islamic leadership professes to remain moderate, we are wondering what longer
term changes will happen in the country.  We might see a completely
different country 10 years from now.  This re-emphasizes to us the reality
that we have an open window of opportunity in this country now that might not be
here in a decade.  But wow, what God can do in a country in a
decade!!!  Amen!