Friday, August 27, 2010

Knee Healed!

Random picture from previous outreach

Testimony from Lacey, serving at OM USA.

Last Week I was riding my bike around a local track, and I saw a lady walking.  She had a slight unevenness to her walk.  As I looked at her, I heard the Lord say that she had a knee problem.  I felt the need to go pray for her, but I saw that she was on the phone so I circled the track a few times so that I wouldn’t interrupt her.  After making a third circle around the track and seeing that she was still on the phone, I decided to take a leap and ask her, “Do you have a knee problem?”  With a stunned look on her face she said “Yes and a foot problem too”.  After she gave me permission to pray for her, she and I both invited the presence of the Holy Spirit to come and heal her foot and knee all while her friend was still on the other end of the phone listening.  I felt the presence of the Lord all over her and asked if her knee felt any different.  With an excited look on her face she said “Yes, it is better”.   I asked her to do something that she couldn’t do before so she bent her knee up and down saying over and over how good it felt.  She left me with an encouraging word and walked off with a sense of joy about what the Lord had done.  As we parted she yelled, “Thank you so much.  My knee is better!”

“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” Matt 10:8

Monday, August 23, 2010

What is Jesus wearing today?

“However, as it is written: 
   "No eye has seen, 
      no ear has heard, 
   no mind has conceived 
   what God has prepared for those who love him" - but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.” 1 Cor 2:9-10
What has God prepared for me today? For me, it’s been that He loves being around me. You know the feeling - like someone is watching you, following you? Sometimes i know it’s just paranoia, other times i know that He is near. My Brother, my King, is here somewhere, watching me, looking at what i’m doing. It used to freak me out, now, I sometimes look around to see where He is and what He is doing, and it is kinda fun.  
One of my mentors said that she looks at what Jesus is wearing each day. I don’t know if He really dresses up, but being in a prophetic culture, He is always talking, and different clothing or “war paint” may mean something particular for the day. 
Today, He seemed dressed in fine linen, with gold buttons. I feel at peace when i look at Him dressed like that. And i think that He is reading something. He looks captivated by what He is reading. So i asked Him what does this mean? And what is He reading? He’s clothing represents cleanliness, purity, holiness, and the gold speaks of royalty. The book He is reading represents learning and growth. How does this all apply to me and for this day? What He is, I am too, what He wears, I wear too. And today will be a learning day, easy no pressure learning. I am growing. 
I am growing. That makes me almost want to cry. I don’t know about you, but sometimes i feel so much pressure to grow, perform, be all that i am called to be. So much expectation to live up too. It that just drains me. Usually, the last thing on my mind is peace when i think about growth. I think about having to be more disciplined and getting in routines and having to do more to be more. And to be honest i hate that. It makes me feel like crap. I feel like I'm never good enough. 
So as I’m writing this, and looking at what I felt Jesus was saying... for once, i feel at peace with growing. See according to Him, I am royalty, no need to perform to get my way there, no expectations, I am because He is. And seeing how much He enjoys learning, and how peaceful it is, I can do the same now because He is my Teacher, not the world. 
May you have a great day today, and know that Jesus loves you. Why don’t you ask Him today, tomorrow, what He is wearing and what He is doing. Lining up our lives with His plans always bears fruit. Peace. 

Friday, August 13, 2010

Jesus the real Prestige

My wife and i watched The Prestige the other day. It’s about a rivalry between two magicians (Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman) for the ultimate illusion. There's 3 steps to every magic act. 1. The Pledge 2. The Turn and 3. The Prestige. In one scene Jackman is performing a act or illusion... There’s 2 doors on the stage facing each other. Jackman would stand behind one door and as he throws his hat towards the second door, he walks through the first door where he then disappears, and magically appears 30 feet away walking through the second door right in time to catch his hat. Got that? If that did not make sense at all... see my awesome picture below. :-)

How does the illusion work? Jackman used a double, a person that looked exactly like him. When he went through the first door, his double came out the second door. So guess what happens next? Bale finds out about Jackman’s double... (dramatic pause) Now when Jackman starts the act again, stepping through the first door and falling down expecting to see his double take the elevator up to the second door, guess who he sees going up the elevator? Bale. His rival magician - Bale. The crowd didn’t know what to do, they knew Bale was performing across the street, but how did he get here, was it part of the act? Then they start clapping and praising Bale for his “supreme” act! 
Muslims all across the world are observing Ramadan right now. And so this afternoon as i was asking Father how we could pray for them, this scene came running through my head. I’ve heard crazy stories about Jesus appearing to Muslims in dreams and visions and leading them to Christians in their cities for discipleship and the works. Awesome stuff. So in relating the movie to Ramadan... Muslims fast various things during Ramadan, in part to earn forgiveness for past sins, and in part to seek a deeper connection with Allah, their God. So they could be like the crowd who came to see Allah perform right? They are all there to see their man in action. What if, and think about this... What if we pray, and what if Jesus shows up at the second door? Jesus, the Prestige. What if they came to see their man, and they found our Man, The Man? Is there a chance that they would respond like the crowd in the movie? Realize that the best show, the superior Performer, is right across the street and head there?
I thought about it, and i think now, that it is a grand idea. How about today, on this 3de day of Ramadan, we pray that as Muslims are seeking a deeper spiritual experience via Allah, that the real Man would show up in their lives, that they would see His love and His superiority, and follow Him to His stage and be loved for ever more. 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

God's stamp of approval

Last week Joseph and I had lunch in Atlanta with a new friend. We were just hanging out, getting to know each other over lunch. After that we went to little 5 points, which is known for being a more “spiritual” area. There’s a bunch of unique shops, from coffee to tattoo. I even found a little hookah store! 
Some of the students from the ministry school i go to, have an outreach there each week, going into the different shops, starting up conversations and blessing the locals. It’s a very creative area, maybe not too every ones taste if you know what i mean...
Joseph had something that he wanted to talk to one of the shops owners about and that’s where we went. This guy had the emo look with a ton of rings (some of you reading this may know him). His store had everything from a black cat, some live bunnies, Christian crosses to hindu deities. 
We walked around and i was quiet surprised at how connected i felt with God in there. From what i was taught in Church we’re supposed to stay away from places like that. “It’s dangerous” to go there... My thoughts: they’re just people, and they are so hungry for true love! 
I was just starting to enjoy being there and releasing the Kingdom when Joseph picked up a little box - to buy. Everything inside of me went all crazy. “Don’t buy that, it will give a demon an open door into your soul” - that’s what i was thinking. And then almost as if Pappa took my head in His hands tilting it up and down, i found myself thinking... “this guy, that looks like he is from the dark side, is now going to experience the love of God through a Christian buying something from him that carries a lot of worth.” Does that make sense? Think about what is most precious to you. Now imagine God, who you previously thought to be quiet distant and disappointed in your line of work, coming into your store and buying that thing that is so precious to you. Wouldn’t that just melt your heart? God, Love, just came to me, and told me that what i do, what i have, is important to Him. That would rock my world right there. I matter to God. 
I was pleasantly surprised at the turn of events and i’ll finish with a quote along the same lines... 
“All of creation begins and ends with the Father longing for relationship with you as His beloved child. He created you to live your life as if you have a home. Did you wake up this morning and hear the loving voice of your Father say, “Don’t worry that you don’t have everything together; it’s OK. I don’t expect you to get it perfect. I love you so much just the way you are. You are the son/daughter i love and in whom i am well pleased”?
Or did you get up thinking, Nobody loves me. Nobody cares about me. I’ve got to have devotions today, and pray enough, and get my three Bible chapters a day in, and do all the right Christian stuff, just so i can get a crumb from the Master’s table today? You will treat yourself and others according to the way you think God feels about you. If you know you are loved unconditionally, you will love yourself and others with the same kind of love. But if you feel you have to perform in order to be of value to God, then you will portray the thought to others that they need to perform in order to be of value to you. Either you live your life as if you have a home, or you live your life as if you don’t have a home. Fear... or Father’s embrace!”
(Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship, Jack Frost, P26,27)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Jesus Feast - Feast on His Miracles

Wondering what to feast on over the next 40 days? Check this out!
Read and meditate through the Miracles Jesus did over the next 40 days. Want your daily scripture emailed to you - sign up here...

Monday, August 2, 2010

A better way to pray

I’m the guy who used to believe that i needed to get up at 6am, read my Bible for and hour, and then pray for an hour. :-) I don’t think there is essentially something wrong with that, it’s Pappa, and spending time with Him is amazing... But i used to get up because i felt like i needed too, in order to feel like i did my Christian duties. Andrew Wommack put it best: "That's religious!" 
May we all have a fresh outlook on our prayer lives, and have some fun with our God of Joy. 

TeenStreet Germany

See what teens from around the world are saying about the TeenStreet Germany 2010. Let’s pray they are forever changed by God’s love as they encounter Him day and night!