Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How to respond to God's invitations

“Moses and Aaron brought together all the elders of the Israelites, and Aaron told them everything the LORD had said to Moses. He also performed the signs before the people, and they believed. And when they heard that the LORD was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshipped.” Exo 4:29-31

The progression: 
  • signs and wonders helped them believe 
  • they realized God was watching over them and was concerned about them
  • they bowed down and worshipped
How many times is that the way we respond to a miracle? I just came back from the Middle East where one day, I went up to a young man and asked if he had any pain in his left wrist. A big smile came on his face and he said “yes, how did you know that?”. We explained to him that God had shown us about his pain, and that He wanted to take the pain away by healing his arm. The young man was amazed and allowed us to pray for him, and then God healed him! Then we told him that this was a sign of God’s goodness, and that God cared about him. We left him knowing that some other team members would be back to follow up with him. We praised God as we walked away.

I listened to some guys teaching over the weekend and he made reference to Luke 10, where Jesus sent out the 72 and when they came back they were so excited that even the demons submitted to them, but then how Jesus showed them what they really should be doing - worship God. The teacher said to do like this: after a great nights ministry, go home, go to the bathroom, open the toilet, sit down next to it. Now tell it exactly what happened that night, the highs, the lows, how you felt, the people that you met - everything. Then get up, close the toilet and leave the bathroom. That’s what a relationship is about - just being with the one you love. 

“Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” John 14:23

My wife and I just bought a house - we made a home together - and it was really interesting learning about our relationship. We are both pretty task focussed, and I praise God for our friends who told us - after you move in and get settled you’ll realize that you hardly know your spouse anymore. Between “stuff” it’s easy for relationship to take second place. Because of that wisdom, we stayed focussed on our relationship and came out stronger! In the end, “making a home together” has less to do with the place and getting through the to-do list, and more with “who” is making the home together and how is that relationship being grown. 


  • In Turkey, to be a Turk is to be a Muslim. Ask the Lord of the harvest to break down this presupposition and bring in a swell of people into the Kingdom of God! 
  • The majority of Turkish provinces still have no believers. However, ads for a Bible correspondence course are allowed, as well as TV and radio programs.  Pray that many people in these remote areas would realize that the Lord is speaking to them through these programs.
  • More than 40% of Turkey’s population is under the age of 21, yet there is little effort to reach youth.  Pray for a witness to students and for Turkish believing families to have an impact on families in their apartment buildings and neighborhoods.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


  • Out of 10 million people, only 1,000 Tunisians are following the Lord Jesus. Pray that this small group of people would feel His power and presence in all they do. 
  • May the Lord Jesus bring a great reversal to this land. May the name of the Lord be  known and worshipped across Tunisia and then to other lands in North Africa.  Allow the LORD’s words from Isaiah above to fill your prayers.  
  • There are still many areas in Tunisia that have no physical witness of Jesus--there are no believers living in them. However there are TV and radio programs the people can hear. Pray that many people in these remote areas would listen to His words.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Hearing God's voice

“The LORD called Samuel a third time, and Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me." Then Eli realized that the LORD was calling the boy. So Eli told Samuel, "Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, 'Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.' " So Samuel went and lay down in his place.” 1 Sam 3: 8-9
Have you seen that God spoke to Samuel and Samuel didn’t know that it was God who was speaking to Him? Eli had to help Samuel understand that it was God who was speaking to him. Samuel had to learn to recognize God’s voice with the help of Eli. 
I wonder if it’s the same for us today? Do i still need help discerning God’s voice? Where do i get help then? My friend and i went to Starbucks and while i was buying coffee he asked the Barista if she was going to College and studying to become a teacher. Her jaw dropped and words can’t express the look of amazement on her face. My friend heard God’s voice for this girl and in a instant she had a encounter with the Living God, who was showing His support for her becoming a teacher. 
Prophesy, one of the spiritual gifts in 1 Cor 12, has a beautiful effect when used correctly. It encourages, comforts and exhorts. This girl experienced all 3 in one moment. And it all hinged around my friends ability to hear and understand God’s voice, just like Samuel. 
I know my friend, and i know what he does to keep his relationship with God strong. Practical things like choosing the right Church, personal devotions and disciplines, being around the strong friends with likeminded attitudes. But he’ll be the first to tell you that his growth and gifts doesn’t come from anything that he can do, it comes from the revelation that God loves him. That God wants to talk to him, just like He wanted to talk with Samuel. He walks in this revelation all day long, it’s like the treasure he guards with his life. 
Lesson learned, God will always speak first, and we need help learning His language. 
The LORD continued to appear at ( of your city...), and there He revealed himself to (...your name here...) through his word*. And (...your name here...) word* came to all (...your city...) 1 Sam 3:21/4:1
* “word” 1 Sam 3:21/4:1 is H1697: speech, saying, utterance


  • Although Christians are tolerated in Syria and can meet together, any attempts to witness to Muslims is seen as a threat to the government. So very few indigenous Christians reach out to their Muslim neighbors. Pray that believers from many backgrounds would make the Lord known.
  • Pray that Muslims in Syria will gain a true understanding of what it means to be a Christian, and have the opportunity to meet Jesus.
  •  Syria has been involved in wars and confrontations with surrounding states for over 50 years. Pray that there would be greater political freedom in Syria. Pray that Syria will play its part and do all that leads to peace in the Middle East.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


  • 300,000 people are addicted to heroin and cocaine, a major factor in Spain’s AIDS epidemic. There are now more people living with AIDS in Spain than anywhere else in Europe. Pray for organizations and Christian ministries helping drug addicts.
  • There are over one million students in Spain, most of whom have never heard the gospel. Many university towns have no outreach to the young people living there. Reaching this generation is absolutely critical. Pray
  • Pray for spiritual growth in the personal lives, families, and ministries of church leaders. 
  • 90% of all towns and villages still have no evangelical churches.  Pray for effective church planting.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


  • Pray for openness to the gospel in a land which has a Christian heritage, yet where many do not realize their need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 
  • Pray for the small but growing churches peppered across the country: for Christ-like love and boldness, Christ-centered unity and continued vision.

Friday, June 25, 2010


  • Please pray that the concept of Mary as the Queen of Heaven will be questioned among the people and that in their eyes the Lord Jesus will be lifted to His rightful place. Praise God that the number of Bible-believing Christians has exploded from 55,000 to over 300,000 in the last 25 years.
  • Many people are still bound up in old traditions of paganism and the occult. Portugal is 85% Catholic, but 90% of the population consult spiritist mediums. Pray that Jesus would show His power greater than any other spirit.
  • Few Christians live in southern Portugal, which is much poorer than the rest of the country. Pray for more laborers there and that Christians will be equipped and supported to bring the truth and love of Jesus into these communities.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


  • Pray that Moroccan children would be eager to know the truth and would find Him. Pray they would reject evil in society and embrace the good. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14, Mark 10:14, Luke 18:16)
  • Pray for salvation, protection, and wisdom for King Mohammed VI and that he will continue to pursue the path of a good king. Pray for success in programs aimed at improving the quality of life for the poor. “Endow the king with your justice, O God, the royal son with your righteousness.” (Psalm 72:1)
  • Pray for more scriptures to be available in the country.  Ask for boldness for believers as they disciple others, distribute literature, and plant house churches.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


  • Ask the Lord for genuine forgiveness between ethnic groups that have been at war for so long. Pray that people would be able to rebuild trust and cooperation.
  • Stand in prayer against corruption and other strongholds that allow human traffickers to transit women and girls through here from the Balkans and Eastern Europe to Western Europe. Pray that this will no longer be tolerated.
  • Pray that the people of Montenegro will be freed from the chains of religious tradition.  Pray they will be released into true belief.
  • Ask for church planters and workers among the youth to see this generation have a chance to hear about Jesus.

In His presence

I love His presence. There’s a lot of things that happen to me when I’m in His presence, for example:
  • I immediately have a greater awareness that He is real and He is “always with me” 
  • I am less concerned with my life and ideals, and more with what He wants to do in this world, everything is put into perspective
I tend to “feel” His presence, both in my emotions and body, for example:
  • Usually I feel humbled pretty quickly, which then turns to affection, almost like soft praise, because at first I realize that GOD is with me, then I realize that He is here because He loves me, and wants me to know Him - it’s like a date
  • Then comes the sweet love, the melting of my heart and I tend to forget about where I am and who’s around me (if any). When it’s just the two of us I tend to start giggling or something, like a little 5 year old girl. I can’t help it, He just makes me feel really good - like He has everything under control and I have nothing to worry about. 
Still after His presence has left, I can feel the consequences of being with Him, for example:
  • I feel all clean and fresh, like I’ve just taken a nice shower
  • I feel strengthened and ready to move mountains
Have you ever told Him what it feels like for you when you are in His presence? Try it, jus tell Him how He makes you feel. Relationship stuff 101: when you love someone, and they do something that really just chings your bells, you tell them because it reinforces that you enjoy it when they are around you. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


  • With Malta being 98% Roman Catholic, evangelism to the population is difficult.   Pray for the fullness of Ephesians 3:14-21 scriptures to be on the Catholic Church in Malta.
  • The Maltese government is physically rescuing Africans off boats. Pray that this also brings a spiritual blessing and that all those involved would be brought into the Kingdom.
  • Malta is strategically located for reaching Muslims in North Africa. There is a growing Muslim presence, but there is very little evangelism specifically to Muslims. Pray that Malta would be a light to all peoples in North Africa. 

Monday, June 21, 2010


  • Some of the first people to take the message to the Greeks were men from Libya. Pray that the Lord again will use people from Libya to touch their own people and then other places in the world.
  • Libya is one of the hardest places in the world for the gospel to penetrate and therefore needs an increased amount of prayer.  Pray that Christians working in the country would share the Good News of the Lord Jesus.  Pray especially that the Lord would deliver them and the tiny group of Libyan believers from any fear.  

Sunday, June 20, 2010


  • May the bride of Christ in Lebanon be called deeper into the presence of the Lord Jesus.  “This is a profound mystery -- but I am talking about Christ and the church.” (Ephesians 5:32)
  • The constitution provides for freedom of religion and the freedom to practice all religious rites provided that the public order is not disturbed. Thank God that Lebanon is still the only land in the Middle East where people are free to decide to change their religion. Pray that this incredible freedom would be maintained and that other countries in the region would follow. 
  • Lebanon has always seemed to be a battle zone, and this continues today. May God use the turmoil to draw people into His family.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


  • Kosovo is made up of Albanians (88%, mostly Muslim) and Serbs (7%, mostly Serbian Orthodox Christians). Pray that the “God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were” would breathe His life into this land and that many would call on Him for salvation. (Romans 4:17)
  • There are still 21,000 displaced people in Kosovo. This is part of the legacy of brutal war and violence. Pray for these people to find adequate housing and peace in their lives.
  • New believers in Kosovo need teaching and discipleship training. Pray they will continue to grow in the knowledge of God and become even more effective in proclaiming their faith.

Friday, June 18, 2010


  • Pray that there would be a growing hunger and thirst in Jordan to know all the true things about Jesus and that many in Jordan would call on His name.
  • Jordan is a key player in Middle East politics.  Its relationship with Israel and the emerging Palestinian state continue to be important. Pray for the peace of Jordan in this critical role.
  • Evangelicals, Catholics and Orthodox Christians are all part of the remnant of the ancient Church in Jordan. Pray for this “remnant that still survives,” for them to grow deeper in the Lord, and for them to lead the church and train the next generation of believers.  (Isaiah 37:4, 2 Kings 19:4)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The power of worship

"Whatever the issue in your life is, the key is to worship a holy God who created you and knows everything about you - your failures, shortcomings, insecurities, besetting sins and fears. He sits on His throne, omniscient, and says something like this: 'I know your final destination, and I know how to get you from where you are now to where I want you to be. I know why I created you. If you'll worship Me, I will visit with you. I can tell you how to get untangled from the snares in your path and how to move forward. I can even reveal to you things to come that are pertinent to your life and world.'"  Chuck Pierce with John Dickson

There is power in worshipping God. If we want to see breakthroughs in our life and in the lives of others, than this is the time to enter into deeper levels of worship both personally and corporately. It is only as we ascend to the throne room in worship that we can descend back into the harvest field here on earth, praying and warring for victory in every area of life. When you and I come boldly to God's throne in worship, He gives us His plans and strategies for our lives here on earth. There is no way that we can walk in His peace, power, and perfect plan without a lifestyle of worship.  

To ascend is to arise, come up, increase, recover and restore. God wants us to rise up. He knows what He is doing here on earth. He can make sense of things that are happening and can show us the way through challenges. He can strengthen us in prayer and intercession and give us keys during our seasons of worship that unlock the path before us and bring glory into our situations here on earth. It's time to devote our self to a greater worship of the Lord.

Worship changes our lives and how we see our circumstances.  
**adopted from Intercessors Arise**


  • Ask God for Italian believers and missionaries who will be persevering, self-sacrificing, and effective in bringing the gospel message to an increasingly hopeless and depressed society.
  • Pray for Italian believers to stand for the cause of Christ with passion and vision that goes beyond their own local churches and denominations. Pray that thousands of churches will be started so Italy’s unreached towns will have a gospel presence.
  • Millions of refugees use Italy’s coastline as an entry point for the rest of Europe, many coming from Albania. Desperate circumstances can easily lead to involvement in, or victimization by criminal networks.  Ask God’s protection for these vulnerable refugees.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


  • Pray that salvation for the Gentiles will continue to “make Israel envious,” envious to know and walk with the Lord of Lords, and envious to receive God’s salvation. (Romans 11:11)
  • Psalm 83 is a powerful picture of neighbor nations conspiring against Israel. This conspiring continues today. Pray through Psalm 83.
  • Israel is home to Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Druze, and Bedouin, all of whom have faiths that deny Christ. “Let them know that you, whose name is the LORD—that you alone are the Most High over all the earth.” Psalm 83:18

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Stormie Omartian

“We were created to worship God. It’s a state in which our soul finds true peace, rest, and purpose. But it must become a condition of the heart, a way of life, a pattern woven into the fabric of our being. Worship must become so ongoing that it is no longer even a decision that has to be made because the decision has already been made. Worship must become a lifestyle. When you make worship a lifestyle, it will determine in whose image you will be formed and what you become. Sometimes praise and worship will be the only thing you do in a situation. You will stand and praise God while the tornados of life whirl around you, and you will see God move on your behalf. And then you will understand the hidden power of praise. When you understand that concept, it will change your life.”   Stormie Omartian


  • Much of Western thought (wisdom) stems from Greek philosophers such as Plato and Socrates. Pray that the power of the cross of Jesus will become wisdom for the people of Greece. 
  • Pray for revival in Greece as people are discovering the gospel in the patristic writings and the Bible. May Jesus be the center of their hopes and desires. 
  • Twenty centuries after Paul visited cities in Greece for the first time, the people of those cities need the gospel as much today as their ancestors did then.  Pray for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in all He has for Greece.

Monday, June 14, 2010


  • As Zechariah states, pray that it would be “not by might nor by power, but by the LORD Almighty and his Spirit” that the French people would turn their lives over to Him, that they would receive Him and follow Him. (Zechariah 4:6)
  • Praise and declare with the church in France that God reigns. He has all authority and is worthy of worship and our whole lives. Pray that the church will unite in Him.
  • France’s global leadership has been somewhat diminishing in recent years.  Pray that God would bring France back to Himself and, as St. Remi prophesied, that France would be a defender of the things of Christ and His Kingdom.


  • Pray that Egypt will be a “sign and witness to the LORD Almighty,” that many Egyptians will “cry out to the LORD” and that the “LORD will make himself known” to them.  (Isaiah 19:20-21) 
  • Recently, the Church in Egypt has started to grow more in unity. This is very positive. Pray that unity would continue to develop among this people. 
  • God is doing something among the Egyptian Christian children. They have been meeting together to pray. May God continue to bring prayer and praise from the lips of the children and allow the little ones to come unto Him. 
  • Keep “asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you [Egyptians] the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” (Ephesians 1:17)


  • Separation and division of peoples has been an issue in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Pray for the churches to come together in greater unity, without lines of denomination, for as the Lord reminds us, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:35)
  • Pray for a greater spirit of repentance and forgiveness to be flowing from His people. 
  • Pray that the church in Bosnia-Herzegovina will not look back at the past but forward to the future, fulfilling their commission and mission for their country.


  • Pray that more Arabs would come to know the Lord.
  • Pray for the Kabyle church to send out effective witnesses to the rest of Algeria. Pray for several local Bible schools that are training believers to serve in the church and around the country. 
  • Pray for increased freedom to worship and proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ. Recently, the government has established laws prohibiting evangelization and illegal religious meetings.


  • Pray that the eyes of Albanians will be opened and that they will move from darkness to light.
  • Pray for unity among Christians and between churches.
  • Pray that Albanian Christians will have a desire to know God better and to share His truth with others.

Daily Prayer Calendar for Transform 2010 (Italy and Mediterranean)

Transform 2010 begins in July.  This is an outreach focused on the Mediterranean and the 450 million people who live there. OM is sending teams to many of these nations. Can you help pave the way for the teams?  Will you commit to pray daily through the end of this month?  Below is a prayer schedule which starts today, highlighting one country per day.  Each prayer for these countries will soften the soil for the gospel to take root!  And if you would like to go deeper in prayer for a particular country, you can download complete prayer guides here

World Cup Outreach (South Africa)

The World Cup soccer tournament starts tomorrow, June 11 in South Africa and runs for 30 days.
OM is sending 250 people on outreach teams throughout the country.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for visitors from closed countries where people can't worship Jesus or freely be evangelized.  Pray specifically for those from Algeria and North Korea.  Pray they will be reached with the gospel.
  • Persist in prayer for issues like human trafficking, drug trafficking and alcohol abuse.
  • Remember the initiative of TUG (The Ultimate Goal), an outreach to the thousands of people coming to South Africa for the World Cup.
  • Pray that local churches involved in outreach programs will become more mission-minded as a result.
  • Download a prayer guide for one or all of the nations involved and pray through the needs presented there.