Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Most of the world continues to ignore a genocide in Burma. Patrick Klein, with Vision Beyond Borders says about half a million people have died at the hands of the Burmese government.
"It seems like what's happening is that the Burmese government is trying to wipe out anybody that doesn't agree with them – especially these tribal people because they're sitting on land that they [the government] want because they need the natural resources to sell to China and to other surrounding countries. So instead of moving the people and then compensating them, it's easier to just wipe them out."

And yet its hardly gained media attention. When asked why, one reputable media source said, "'This is not new; this has been going on for years.' And we said, 'But half a million people have died.' And she said, 'The American people don't want to hear about this right now.'" People are coming to Christ, but victims – especially suffering believers – feel forgotten. "Their cry has been, 'Where is the world? And where is the church? Where are our brothers and sisters in Christ? How come they're not helping us?'"

Burma-Update and Global Day of Prayer

On January 23, 2011, a force of 250 Burma Army troops entered the Manarone area of Ta Naw Tha Ri Township in southern Karen State where many Karen families were hiding. These Burma Army troops fought against the Karen National Liberation Army (ethnic pro-democracy resistance) from January 24-26. On January 27th, the Burma Army burned down 6 houses of the Karen families. On the 28th, 17 houses and a school were burned. There are 236 people from 28 families displaced. Such occurrences are quite frequent in the ethnic conflict going on inside the country. Please pray:for the safety of Karen and other ethnic families suffering as a result of this ongoing war; for the provision of food, shelter, and education; for peace to come to the land and that God's values would reign supreme.

March 13, 2011, is the Global Day of Prayer for Burma-praying for peace, justice, and religious freedom for all the peoples of Burma. www.csw.org.uk

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