Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Harry and Hope, two believers from the plains of Anatolia, Turkey, came to know the Lord through the Bible Correspondence Course (BCC) eight years ago. The persecution they've experienced from their village has been severe, and they were finally forced to move onto a lonely hillside. But their witness continues to radiate, and they begged the staff at the BCC to help serve food and share the Good News with their neighbors. Imagine the shock of the BCC staff to learn that this couple had invited over 100 people to the event. The mayor's assistant arranged the loan of chairs and tables and brought them to the mountain top. Though the place was baron of houses-except a few small sheds for shepherds-more than 50 people came. They listened to worship songs, watched a drama and heard a message about the lost son. Believers shared their testimonies and people asked questions. Many villagers said they were touched. Several cried during the drama and one confessed he was like the lost son. Though Harry and Hope have suffered much persecution, people still come to them for prayer. Please pray that Harry and Hope would be strengthened amidst persecution. Pray also that their testimony would continue go out widely

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