Monday, December 5, 2011

Shiite Muslims Celebrate their Most Important Festival of the Year

Over these last days, Shiite Muslims around the world are observing Ashura, and it finishes on Monday. This festival commemorates the death of Imam Hussein, the grandson of Muhammad, and 72 others in a bloody massacre in 680 AD.

Ashura is considered the most important festival of the year for Shiites. Numbering between 130 and 195 million people (10-15% of the world's Muslims), Shiites are distinguished from Sunni Muslims by their belief that Ali, Muhammad's son-in-law, was the successor to the prophet. Shia (from which we get "Shiites") means "partisans of Ali." Today, Shiites are located in many countries, but are especially concentrated in Iran, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, and Iraq.

Ashura is a holy time of grief and remembrance Through collective lamentation, symbolic rituals, and self-flagellation, Shiites commemorate the sufferings of Imam Hussein...

During Ashura, Shiites wear black to represent mourning. They also fast, pray and weep. On the last day of the festival, they march through the streets chanting, "Oh, Hussein!" Males often cut their scalps and allow blood to flow down over their faces. They also beat themselves with chains.

The word Ashura means "ten." Shiites believe that on the tenth and final day of the festival, God hears their prayers, answers them, and offers forgiveness for their sins.

Similar to the strategy of interceding for Muslims during the festival of Ramadan, many Believers around the world are choosing to fast and pray for Shiites during Ashura.

Watch a video on Ashura produced to mobilize prayer in 2009: Ashura

CryOut to the Father
• the Lord to use this time of spiritual seeking to direct eyes, minds and hearts away from the lies of Islam and toward the Truth of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4-6)
• a great awakening among Shiites that will result in their freedom from the bondage of false religion. (Psalm 119:45)
• the Light of the Gospel to penetrate the darkness holding Shiites captive. (I Peter 2:9)
• Shiites to learn that Jesus took the punishment for their sin, and His blood flowed for them also on the cross. Pray for this Good News to turn their mourning into dancing. (Colossians 1:19,20; Psalm 30:11)
• Shiites to hear and receive the message of salvation. Pray for them to understand that God listens to and answers prayers faithfully when they are offered in the name of Jesus Christ. (John 14:14)
• the Lord to reveal Himself to Shiites in powerful dreams, visions, signs and wonders. (Job 9:10)
• Believers among the Shiites to be bold and faithful witnesses, sharing the love and salvation of Jesus Christ as the Holy Spirit directs them. Pray for their protection and for opportunities and open doors for the Gospel to be presented. (Ephesians 6:19,20; Colossians 4:3)
• Shiites in Iran, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Iraq, and throughout the world to encounter Jesus Christ and receive Him as Savior and Lord. ( II Peter 3:18)
• Pray that multitudes of Shiites will accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord by the time the Ashura is over, and pray they will all be properly discipled in the ways of the Kingdom of God.
Resources WIN 1040

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